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Rapat Kerja Konsorsium

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Rapat kerja konsorsium program studi bahasa Inggris dilaksanakan biasanya diawal semester dan akhir semester. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi semua kegiatan akademik yang dilaksanakan selama satu semester. Selain itu, kegiatan ini juga mengevaluasi bahan ajar dan bahan ujian mahasiswa. Kegiatan ini merupakan wadah bagi anggota konsorsium untuk menyampaikan masukan yang berkaitan dengan bahan ajar sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas bahan ajar di semester berikutnya. 

English Teacher Training 2017

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Oxford University Press in cooperation with the Jakarta State Islamic University held a workshop entitled "English teacher training 2017". This workshop is intended for all English teachers and lecturers in Indonesia. After attending this workshop I got a lot of information on how to teach English as a foreign language to students in a more fun and innovative way. The speaker was an education expert from
Oxford University Press.

English Language Training Program

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My first job after being appointed as a staff of BSI Language Institute was to become a tutor in English Language Training Program. This training was for lecturers who would take the TOEP exam.
The training provided is in the form of listening, reading, and writing training. This training lasts for 3 days. English language training is conducted to deepen the ability of lecturers who will take the TOEP test for the needs of serdos. This activity aims to make lecturers who take the TOEP test get good grades.
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