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Community Service at RPTRA KALIDERES

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As a lecturer, we have three responsibility that we have to do every semester. The responsibility called "Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi". One of the responsibility is doing the community service (pengabdian masyarakat). This semester, I have done the community service at RPTRA Kalideres with my friend and my students. the theme of our community service was "Teaching Writing By Using Pictures For Junior High School Students (Smp) At Forum Anak Rptra Kalideres, Jakarta Barat" We taught junior high school students that live around the RPTRA Kalideres. We started the activity at 9 o'clock. Before doing the main activity, we ask the students to play a game as a warming up activity. The game called "Head Shoulder and Toes". We asked the students to sing dan dance "head shoulder and toes" with the music. The first trial is in slow rhythm. Then, I played the music faster, and it also made the students dance faster. The students danced happily and enjoyed the activity. After doing the games, we continued to the main activity. We taught the students how to write a story. The students wrote a story based on the picture that has been provided by me and my friends. We use picture because picture can ease the students arranging the story. The students seemed to be enjoying every activity that we have made. The students also made a good composition. The students told that picture made them easy to do the exercise. From this activity, we can know that picture can be alternative technique to teach writing. The activity was closed with taking a picture with the students



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On Saturday, 9 March 2019, I went to Bogor to attend a seminar. The seminar was held in Universitas Pakuan Bogor. The seminar talked about strategy management to face industry revolution 4.0. The seminar was opened with traditional dance from Bogor called " Tari Ronggeng". Then, The Mayor of Bogor, Dr. Bima Arya as the keynote speaker explained that we have to be a people who are good at adapting in any situation. Along the development of technology, we also required to be technology literate. We must be accustomed to dealing with technology in everday life. Mr. Bima Arya's close his explanation with quotes that "if we do not do anything then we are nothing". There are three speakers in this seminar. The first speaker is Dr.  Ir. Sahara, M.Sc as Ketua Departemen Ilmu Ekonomi FEM IPB University. The second speaker is Mrs. Dwina Septiani Wijaya as Dirut Peruri and the last is Mr. Hendra Etri Gunawan from Bukalapak. From the seminar, we can learn how we manage our life to face industry revolution 4.0.

The Effect of Learning Motivation and Vocabulary mastery towards Students’ Writing Skill in Argumentative Text at Private Senior High School in Kabupaten Serang

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of learning motivation and vocabulary mastery of the argument text writing skills of students, the influence of learning motivation of the argumentative text writing skills of students, the influence of vocabulary on the argumentative text writing skills of students.This study used survey method. The subjects were all students of class XII in private senior high school in Kabupaten Serang. Data was collected by distributing a questionnaire and giving examination to writing. The data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination and regression analysis. Statistical test using the T test and F test study was conducted in November 2015 - January 2016.The results showed: (1) there is a significant effect of vocabulary mastery and learning motivation towards writing skills of argumentative English text. This is proven by the Sig = 0.018 < 0.05 and 7.749 Fμ, (2) there is a significant influence on the vocabulary skills of argumentative English text. This is proven by the Sig value by 0.008 < 0.05 and 3.953 tμ, (3) there is a significant influence on the learning motivation towards writing skills of argumentative English text. This is shown by the Sig value 0.004 <0.05 and tμ 5.288.
full article can be downloaded at :
Rizky Mirani © 2016